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Our goal is to help your company go up the animation spectrum.

Now what do we mean by Animate? Most are familiar with the automating representing the transition from manual tasks to automated work, but we introduce the "animation" to describe the transition from automated work to animated. Here are the three states:


A manual business is typically characterized as having many laboring and repetitive tasks. The decision making process is mostly reactionary, with no significant usage of the past to help better comprehend the present.


An automated business has manual and repetitive tasks kept to a minimum. If properly done, this can lead to an increase in productivity allowing the company to expand along with a better decision-making process.


A business reaches the animated state when it achieves a high degree of automation, but more importantly portion a large part of the decision making process is handled by software and predictive analysis.


We believe that simple ideas are the most powerful, so we personify businesses into a model that we call the brain and body. The brain and nervous system represent the software, storage and data pipelines of the business and the body represents the people, equipment and real-estate. Unlike the current Saas industry, we unify the brain and body to avoid pricy cookie-cutter solutions that don't fully meet the needs of you business and are difficult to integrate with.

  • Manufacturing
  • Automation
  • Mechanical
  • Electrical
  • Metrology
  • Software and data engineering
  • ERP
  • MES
  • Quality
  • PLM
  • CRM
  • Sales & Marketing

Our Story


Our team met each other at Tesla. Everything started with a vision that systems and software applied to manufacturing could be done significantly better than its current state. Fundamentally, manufacturing represents a multivariate optimization problem. We know that the best way to solve these types of problems is by using sophisticated statistical methods. The added complexity with manufacturing is that there is a considerable equipment layer that needs to be adequate for proper data collection, as bad data is often worse than no data.

Following the body and brain model, we started with the body. We designed, built, and commissioned revolutionary systems and functional blocks to change the paradigm in the way metrology and manufacturing data aggregation is done. We then connected the body to the brain (software) by building a set of data pipelines which we referred to as the nervous system. This well-designed equipment layer, combined with sophisticated software, unlocked an unprecedented level of automation and added value in terms of data quantity and quality, leading to some of the highest cost-saving initiatives in the company.

On top of this architecture, we started adding statistical tools and methods to animate the decision-making process and improve our ability to anticipate events before they happen. We've now made the decision to embark on our own journey and start this company. Our intention is to use the same methods to help other companies achieve the same degree of automation and push it even further so they can experience a significant improvement in efficiency.


connected brains

Ready to get started on your Animation journey? Feel free to reach out to us through email at:

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